Crooked jaw: The path to a symmetrical face & centered position – Understanding the causes
A crooked jaw is not just a cosmetic problem - it can also significantly impair bodily functions and health in the long term. Find out how misalignments develop and which natural methods help to restore the symmetry and harmony of the jaw and face.

Gefährliche Beatmungsgeräte – Größter Medizinprodukt Rückruf und Endstation Schlafapnoe-Therapie
Beatmungs-Geräte, die unzähligen Menschen bei nächtlichen Atemaussetzern und anderen Atemwegserkrankungen helfen sollen, stehen seit einiger Zeit selbst im Zentrum einer Kontroverse. Weil mehrere Millionen fehlerhafte Geräte gefährliche Partikel in die Atemwege der Patienten abgeben können, sah sich der Hersteller zu einer beispiellosen Rückrufaktion gezwungen. Die Risiken dieser Beatmungstherapie sind offenbar weitaus höher als bisher angenommen.

Focus on the pelvic floor – Why it is so important and how we can strengthen it
A strong pelvic floor is an essential element of our physical health. It influences posture, breathing and even our sexuality. This article offers a comprehensive insight into the anatomy and function of the pelvic floor and gives valuable tips on how to strengthen and protect it. Whether you want to get back in shape after pregnancy and childbirth or get general information about your body - here you will find sound knowledge on an important topic.

Trigeminal pain – causes and treatment methods
The trigeminal nerve is one of the main players in our perception in the facial area. Learn what influences can cause pain in this important nerve and how innovative approaches such as FaceFormer therapy can offer a promising gentle treatment option.

The power of the vagus nerve – activating the body’s own self-healing powers
The vagus nerve plays a central role in our health and self-healing. Learn how FaceFormer therapy stimulates the vagus nerve to reduce stress, improve breathing and provide numerous health benefits. Discover how you can activate your body's own self-healing powers.

Ear pressure and pressure equalisation problems – How do the symptoms develop and what can you do?
Everyone knows this feeling, whether on a plane, on the mountain or while diving: An unpleasant feeling of pressure in the ear. Correct pressure balance in the ear is of great importance for our health. If the pressure in the middle ear is not properly balanced, various problems can occur, such as an unpleasant pain, ringing in the ears, hearing loss or even deafness. For this reason, it is important to understand how pressure is created in the ear and what can be done to reduce it.

The vagus nerve – self-healing power through stimulation
The vagus nerve - your key to better health and well-being. This important part of the parasympathetic nervous system influences numerous bodily functions. Find out how you can optimize your breathing, reduce stress and activate your body's self-healing powers through targeted stimulation and FaceFormer therapy.

Histamine intolerance and food allergies – Understanding causes, symptoms and solutions
Histamine intolerance is a disorder of histamine metabolism caused by an intolerance to histamine. Histamine is a substance produced naturally in the body in mast cells and other cells of our immune system as well as in the brain. It plays an important role in the immune system, as a neurotransmitter and in inflammatory processes.

Pain in the face – trigeminal neuralgia
Trigeminal neuralgia causes excruciating facial pain. Conventional therapies are often not very successful. FaceFormer therapy offers an innovative, non-invasive approach to relief. Through targeted training of facial functions, the pressure on the trigeminal nerve can be reduced. Discover a flexible, age-independent treatment method for your well-being.