What is the correct tongue rest position?
A prerequisite for correct, biological tongue tension and tongue movement is coordinated inner and outer tongue musculature. It goes hand in hand with complicated, precise movement patterns such as chewing, swallowing and speaking. Incorrect tensions can only be corrected through exercise therapies that take such patterns into account. To do this, exercises must not stray too far from the specific range of motion of the patterns. With the FaceFormer training, this is taken into account for the first time.
FaceFormer® therapy is effective against snoring and sleep apnea
Hope for snorers and sleep apnea patients: A comprehensive study on FaceFormer therapy reveals significant improvements in participants. Read how this innovative treatment positively influences breathing, sleep quality and daytime sleepiness and what lasting benefits it offers.
Finally no more breathing stops
No more snoring after just 14 days - Read the testimonial of a user who got his nightly breathing interruptions under control with the FaceFormer method. Find out how regular exercises improve sleep quality and well-being.
FaceFormer against snoring with pleasant side effect
After many unsuccessful attempts, this user finally found a solution to snoring with the FaceFormer. The snoring has almost completely disappeared and there are pleasant “side effects”.
Amazing effect on breathing
“My breathing has completely changed” - Read the impressive testimonial from a FaceFormer user. For a long time, snoring and sleep apnoea affected the patient's breathing during sleep to an alarming extent. Find out how regular FaceFormer training helped. A story that gives hope.
Painful tensions in face, jaw and neck
A user reports: Painful tension in the face and neck successfully treated with FaceFormer therapy. Find out how regular exercises improve well-being. A report on impressive results and personal experiences.
Nasal breathing prevents from dangerous pathogens
Nasal breathing: your natural shield against illness. Learn how your nose filters, warms and moisturizes the air you breathe to ward off pathogens. Learn why mouth breathing increases your risk of infection and how FaceFormer therapy improves your nasal breathing to strengthen your defenses.
Sleep Apnea – Treating causes instead of just symptoms
Are you looking for a sustainable solution for your sleep apnea? FaceFormer therapy treats the causes, not just the symptoms. Read how this innovative method strengthens your airway muscles, improves nasal breathing and helps you get healthy, restful sleep. Discover the scientifically proven path to better sleep quality.
Healthy nasal breathing works against allergies
Healthy nasal breathing can prevent allergies and alleviate symptoms. Find out how your nose acts as a natural filter against allergens and how FaceFormer® therapy can strengthen your immune system.
FaceFormer® Therapy – Causally against many symptoms
FaceFormer therapy is revolutionizing the treatment of oral and facial problems. Learn how this innovative method influences the tension of tissue, muscles and skin to holistically improve your health. Find out how the therapy helps with snoring, sleep apnea and teeth grinding and why it is so effective at addressing the root cause.