Receding chin and double chin – Natural solution through FaceFormer® therapy
Bye bye double chin! Learn how to treat receding chin & double chin naturally without surgery. FaceFormer therapy leads to visible results as a natural alternative to surgery with targeted training! Shape the chin and optimize functions with simple exercises. Start your way to a confident smile!
Ear pressure and pressure equalisation problems – How do the symptoms develop and what can you do?
Everyone knows this feeling, whether on a plane, on the mountain or while diving: An unpleasant feeling of pressure in the ear. Correct pressure balance in the ear is of great importance for our health. If the pressure in the middle ear is not properly balanced, various problems can occur, such as an unpleasant pain, ringing in the ears, hearing loss or even deafness. For this reason, it is important to understand how pressure is created in the ear and what can be done to reduce it.
FaceFormer® App – Your smart training companion
Get the FaceFormer app now and experience the effective benefits of FaceFormer neurophysiological exercise therapy! The FaceFormer App is the ideal training companion for your FaceFormer® training. With extensive features such as video support, detailed instructions, calendar, progress bar, individual customisation options and much more, FaceFormer training becomes even easier and more effective.
Histamine intolerance and food allergies – Understanding causes, symptoms and solutions
Histamine intolerance is a disorder of histamine metabolism caused by an intolerance to histamine. Histamine is a substance produced naturally in the body in mast cells and other cells of our immune system as well as in the brain. It plays an important role in the immune system, as a neurotransmitter and in inflammatory processes.
Weaning off the dummy – Preventing permanent damage to health
It would be best if children were never introduced to a soother. If at all, the dummy should only be enjoyed for short minute intervals. Continuous sucking on the pacifier is dangerous! Always remember this when you give your child the dummy! But why is that?
Teure Schienentherapie bei CMD? Besser nicht – Tu was gegen die Ursachen!
CMD (Craniomandibuläre Dysfunktion) betrifft viele Menschen und verursacht Schmerzen im Kiefergelenk. Als Behandlungsmethode werden oft Zahnschienen angewendet. Doch sind teure Zahnschienen wirklich die beste Lösung? In diesem Beitrag wird kritisch hinterfragt, warum Schienen meist nur Symptome bekämpfen und nicht die Ursache beheben. Wir zeigen, wie die FaceFormer Therapie mit gezielten Übungen zu einer wirklich nachhaltigen Beseitigung der Beschwerden führen kann.
Retainer – Scheinbar harmlos – Tatsächlich aber mit negativen gesundheitlichen Folgen
Retainer werden häufig nach einer kieferorthopädischen Zahnkorrektur eingesetzt, um das Ergebnis zu stabilisieren und eine erneute Fehlstellung der Zähne zu verhindern. Doch was viele nicht wissen: Diese unscheinbaren Metallstreifen können unerwartete gesundheitliche Folgen haben. Schwindel, Kopfschmerzen und andere Beschwerden können durch die dauerhafte Belastung entstehen. Erfahren Sie, wie und warum Retainer diese Probleme verursachen und worauf Sie achten sollten, um Ihre Gesundheit zu schützen.
Crooked nasal septum – Alternative to surgery
A crooked nasal septum does not necessarily require surgery. The FaceFormer is an effective, non-invasive alternative to conventional surgery. This innovative therapy aims to optimize your breathing, alleviate discomfort and improve your quality of life - without surgery. Find out how the FaceFormer works, what benefits it offers and how it can help you breathe freely and sleep better.
FaceFormer® Therapy for Tinnitus – How does it work?
Understanding and treating tinnitus: FaceFormer® therapy corrects functional disturbances in breathing, swallowing and head balance that trigger tinnitus. Find out how regular FaceFormer training enables lasting success.
What is the correct tongue rest position?
A prerequisite for correct, biological tongue tension and tongue movement is coordinated inner and outer tongue musculature. It goes hand in hand with complicated, precise movement patterns such as chewing, swallowing and speaking. Incorrect tensions can only be corrected through exercise therapies that take such patterns into account. To do this, exercises must not stray too far from the specific range of motion of the patterns. With the FaceFormer training, this is taken into account for the first time.