FaceFormer® Therapie - Das Seminar – Kausalbehandlung bei CCDS 28.-29.03.2025 • 9:00 - 17:00 Uhr Dr. Berndsen GmbH, Unna

FACEFORMER® Exercise Therapy


FACEFORMER® Exercise Therapy


What is FaceFormer® Therapy?

FaceFormer therapy focuses on the immediate causes of disorders of the essential triadic basic functions of breathing, swallowing and head balance. It trains these natural basic functions through an easy-to-perform exercise program.

Where does FaceFormer® Therapy help?

FaceFormer therapy is used for numerous indications by a wide range of medical and therapeutic disciplines. The lasting success of treatment for functional disorders with a wide range of symptoms such as pain, dizziness, breathing and hearing problems impresses patients and practitioners alike.

How does FaceFormer® Therapy work?

As a cause-oriented treatment method, FaceFormer therapy directly targets the root cause of health impairments. The exercise therapy focuses on essential bodily functions such as breathing and swallowing and sustainably treats a variety of disorders, including the associated symptoms.

What is the FaceFormer®?

The FaceFormer is a neurophysiological training device with which users can train the triadic basic functions of breathing, swallowing and head balance in short exercise units. The innovative training device was developed on a scientific basis for FaceFormer therapy and is an approved medical device.

FaceFormer® Feedback

Therapists and users report

Marion Haberstroh

I have been recommending the FaceFormer to my patients for 18 years. All the disorders you list in the info sheet have actually been overcome in the patients.

Dr. Cornelia Maier

Super addition to logopedic therapy. Is experienced very positively by our patients.

Carsten Gödde-Krupp - OsteoK

An effective part of our treatment for TMJ disorders. FaceFormer training could help many of our patients.

Jutta Chibidziura-Priesching

The FaceFormer training program is easy to understand. After just a few weeks of consistent practice, my patients report improvements in their symptoms.

It already has positive effects after a short time. When I’m tense, I now bring my tongue into the practiced position and thus avoid clenching my teeth.

Great idea, much better than all other aids (rather emergency aids) that I have used. Nasal breathing is extremely important for health!

The FACEFORMER helps! The discipline really pays off. You just have to keep at it! In addition, the training also tightens the facial contour!

The FACEFORMER is a miracle product :-) Relaxes the jaw from the first moment. I am curious about further progress.

My wife has thrown away her collection of earplugs and sleeps with me again since I use the thing. We are both very happy about that!

I am absolutely thrilled with what the little part does. Many thanks to the inventor! Life is simply easier without pain.

The application works simply. You can actually sleep better, the exercises are simple. You quickly get used to it.

I train because of a facial paralysis that affects the mouth. This has resulted in strengthening of the lip muscles after only a few days. Wonderful!

After a few weeks there are noticeable and after a few months measurable successes. One would not want to miss the FACEFORMER anymore.

Before, I had constant neck pain and headaches due to teeth grinding. Now I notice the improvement after just a few weeks of regular practice.

My sleeping behavior has changed completely. I no longer snore, have deep sleep phases again and no longer sleep alone in bed. Recommendable!

Works! No more snoring! You have to get used to the new sleeping situation, but for me it went relatively quickly. All in all, a total success.

Very good invention, ideal for me against snoring. Of course, you have to do the exercise program and stay with it.

Through the exercises, the muscles relaxed and I was pain-free after 2 weeks! A total relief! Small part, big effect!

I would never have believed that it could be done differently. Now I no longer grind my teeth, which was not possible before with a dental splint.

My doctor had recommended FACEFORMER to me. The effect was noticeable on the first day. I can highly recommend this product.

It was hard to believe, but AFTER ONLY ONE WEEK of use! my husband no longer snores, likewise he no longer has breathing stops.
It is incredible.

(Swipe for more customer opinions)

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FaceFormer® Training Device – Material and Manufacturing

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FaceFormer® App – Your smart training companion

Get the FaceFormer app now and experience the effective benefits of FaceFormer neurophysiological exercise therapy! The FaceFormer App is the ideal training companion for your FaceFormer® training. With extensive features such as video...

FaceFormer® Product Family

Overview of product variants

More FaceFormer colour combinations are available in the Dr. Berndsen Shop.
Useful accessories for the neurophysiological FaceFormer training therapy complete the programme.

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Book: FaceFormer® Training Therapy – Manual on the methodology

Book: FaceFormer® Training Therapy – Manual on the methodology

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Downloads Overview

On this page, we provide you the FaceFormer Exercise Guide, Exercise Calendar and other important documents for download in PDF format...
Therapists Directory

FaceFormer® Therapists Directory | List

In the FaceFormer therapists directory you will find doctors and therapists in your region who have completed the qualifying basic seminars for FaceFormer therapy...
FAQ - Antworten auf häufige Fragen

FAQ – Answers on common questions

Do you have questions about the FaceFormer training device, the application of FaceFormer Therapy or the execution of the training exercises? In the FaceFormer FAQ you will find...

Studies on FaceFormer® Therapy

The success of the FaceFormer therapy method was intensively studied early on in close cooperation with several universities and institutes. In a series of scientific studies, the...

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