Can the balance of the facial muscles be corrected by FaceFormer® therapy?
I am 40 years old and have had facial muscle imbalances and breathing problems all my life (nose – also allergy-related – permanently blocked), the imbalances led to CMD, i.e. reciprocal force effects in other parts of the body (static problems, permanent back pain, knee problems etc.). After orthodontics, I have a dental appliance (Relaktor), which brings the tongue into the resting position and slightly stretches the muscles. This gives me some improvement. Can you imagine that a FaceFormer can further restore or correct the balance of the facial muscles?
As a causal and active training therapy, FaceFormer therapy cannot be compared with other methods. Countless CMD patients have experienced significant improvement for the first time after using this therapy. It activates important muscle chain functions and corrects tongue position, head balance and breathing and aims to change movement patterns.
Wir empfehlen Ihnen daher die Anwendung der FaceFormer Therapie und ggf. auch das Absetzen anderer Verfahren.