FaceFormer® application in sports
Why is it good to use the FaceFormer during sports training?
FaceFormer movement therapy was developed by neuroscientists Dr. Klaus and Sabine Berndsen. It aims to fine-tune basic functions to optimize performance enhancement, concentration, endurance, balance, coordination, perception and sensory function. It uses the brain’s neuroplastic abilities to activate implicit learning processes. External and internal respiration (cellular respiration) are optimally stimulated and adjusted through coordinated breathing and swallowing training. Both functions are interactively linked and are located in the brain stem. Incorrect breathing behavior changes the mechanism of the swallowing movement and, conversely, dyskinesia of the swallowing act changes the breathing behavior negatively. This functional connection is only taken into account in FaceFormer training therapy. FaceFormer therapy is used successfully in the treatment of various illnesses, in rehabilitation and in neuroathletics in popular and competitive sports.