How long is daily training?
How long should the user train daily with the FaceFormer?
The user repeats the exercises 3 times a day. It is sufficient to perform the basic exercise and one pulling exercise 20 times each. The tension in the muscles is always maintained for 6 seconds and then relaxed for 6 seconds (isometric training). This corresponds to 40 sequences x 6 seconds = 240 seconds, i.e. 4-5 minutes per exercise; it is desirable to add two further pulling exercises, each requiring the same amount of time. Intensive daily use should be continued for six months. However, success is usually seen after 3-4 weeks, during which time nasal breathing also improves as a result of the training. When the patient notices the change, the FaceFormer is used at night. The aim is to close the mouth and accustom the patient to habitual nasal breathing. Training and nocturnal use are maintained for six months to ensure that everything is done “correctly during sleep”.