Why is it recommended to replace the FaceFormer® after six months?
It is recommended to replace the FaceFormer after 6 months. What is the significance of this?
As with everything else, the material is subject to a certain amount of wear and tear. The pulling exercises in particular generate high forces that put a strain on the FaceFormer material. Performed regularly three times a day over six months, the pulling exercises alone add up to approx. 11,000 pulls (180 days with 3 training runs and 20 pulling exercises each). Each pull exerts a force of around 0.9 kg on the FaceFormer. In the long run, even the high-quality silicone elastomer from which the FaceFormer is made can become fatigued.
The second reason is the hygiene aspect, i.e. the same reason why you regularly replace toothbrushes. It doesn’t have to be as often as with a toothbrush, but 6 months of regular use, including hours of nightly use, is an argument for renewal.