Receding chin and double chin – Natural solution through FaceFormer® therapy
Bye bye double chin! Learn how to treat receding chin & double chin naturally without surgery. FaceFormer therapy leads to visible results as a natural alternative to surgery with targeted training! Shape the chin and optimize functions with simple exercises. Start your way to a confident smile!
Weaning off the dummy – Preventing permanent damage to health
It would be best if children were never introduced to a soother. If at all, the dummy should only be enjoyed for short minute intervals. Continuous sucking on the pacifier is dangerous! Always remember this when you give your child the dummy! But why is that?
Trinklernbecher, Schnabeltassen und Co – Warum Trinkhilfen das Trinken behindern und eine gesunde Entwicklung in Mund und Rachen stören!
Trinklernbecher und Schnabeltassen erscheinen praktisch, doch sie blockieren die natürliche Zungenbewegung und stören den normalen Schluckvorgang. Langfristig können diese Hilfsmittel Probleme wie Zahnfehlstellungen, Mittelohrentzündungen oder Atemprobleme hervorrufen. Hier erfahren Sie, warum der Verzicht auf solche Trinkhilfen eine gesunde Entwicklung fördert und welche Alternativen es gibt.
Give up the soother? Absolutely! But why?
Why is it so important to give up the pacifier in good time? Our article explains the effects on your child's oral motor skills and speech development. Discover how using a pacifier for too long can lead to misaligned teeth and jaw deformities and how FaceFormer therapy can help to correct them.