Book: FaceFormer® Training Therapy – Manual on the methodology
FaceFormer® therapy offers a neuroscience-based way of correcting dysfunctions in breathing, swallowing and head balance. This book explains how targeted exercises help to permanently alleviate complaints and improve quality of life. Ideal for professionals and anyone who wants to improve their health from the ground up.
Choking – Do you always notice it?
Did you know that you can choke without realizing it? In this FAQ article, you will learn all about normal and abnormal swallowing processes, the dangers of “silent aspiration” and how FaceFormer therapy can help you with swallowing problems. Find out how FaceFormer therapy can help you achieve a healthy swallowing process.
Quälender Druck auf den Ohren – Das änderst du nur durch konsequente Trainingstherapie. Mach das!
Jeder kennt dieses Gefühl, ob im Flugzeug, auf dem Berg oder beim Tauchen: Ein Druckgefühl im Ohr. Im besten Fall wird dieser Druck durch Schlucken ausgeglichen, ohne dass wir uns bewusst darauf konzentrieren. Jedoch bei manchen Menschen funktioniert dieser Druckausgleich nicht richtig. Warum nicht? Was kann man tun, um die Funktion zu verbessern und wie funktioniert der Druckausgleich eigentlich?
How does FaceFormer® therapy work?
As a cause-orientated treatment method, FaceFormer therapy directly targets the root of health impairments. The exercise therapy focusses on essential bodily functions such as breathing and swallowing and sustainably treats a variety of disorders including the associated symptoms.
FaceFormer® Therapy – Causally against many symptoms
FaceFormer therapy is revolutionizing the treatment of oral and facial problems. Learn how this innovative method influences the tension of tissue, muscles and skin to holistically improve your health. Find out how the therapy helps with snoring, sleep apnea and teeth grinding and why it is so effective at addressing the root cause.
Function system mouth – Many symptoms, one cause
Do you suffer from unexplained discomfort in the head, neck or throat area? Craniocervical dysfunction syndrome (CCDS) could be the cause. Find out how this often overlooked syndrome can cause a variety of symptoms and why early detection is so important. Discover how FaceFormer therapy can specifically treat CCDS and help you improve your quality of life.
FaceFormer Knowledge Base
Book: FaceFormer® Training Therapy – Manual on the methodology
FaceFormer® therapy offers a neuroscience-based way of correcting dysfunctions in breathing, swallowing and head balance. This book explains how targeted exercises help to permanently alleviate complaints and improve quality of life. Ideal for professionals and anyone who wants to improve their health from the ground up.
Choking – Do you always notice it?
Did you know that you can choke without realizing it? In this FAQ article, you will learn all about normal and abnormal swallowing processes, the dangers of “silent aspiration” and how FaceFormer therapy can help you with swallowing problems. Find out how FaceFormer therapy can help you achieve a healthy swallowing process.
Quälender Druck auf den Ohren – Das änderst du nur durch konsequente Trainingstherapie. Mach das!
Jeder kennt dieses Gefühl, ob im Flugzeug, auf dem Berg oder beim Tauchen: Ein Druckgefühl im Ohr. Im besten Fall wird dieser Druck durch Schlucken ausgeglichen, ohne dass wir uns bewusst darauf konzentrieren. Jedoch bei manchen Menschen funktioniert dieser Druckausgleich nicht richtig. Warum nicht? Was kann man tun, um die Funktion zu verbessern und wie funktioniert der Druckausgleich eigentlich?
How does FaceFormer® therapy work?
As a cause-orientated treatment method, FaceFormer therapy directly targets the root of health impairments. The exercise therapy focusses on essential bodily functions such as breathing and swallowing and sustainably treats a variety of disorders including the associated symptoms.
FaceFormer® Therapy – Causally against many symptoms
FaceFormer therapy is revolutionizing the treatment of oral and facial problems. Learn how this innovative method influences the tension of tissue, muscles and skin to holistically improve your health. Find out how the therapy helps with snoring, sleep apnea and teeth grinding and why it is so effective at addressing the root cause.
Function system mouth – Many symptoms, one cause
Do you suffer from unexplained discomfort in the head, neck or throat area? Craniocervical dysfunction syndrome (CCDS) could be the cause. Find out how this often overlooked syndrome can cause a variety of symptoms and why early detection is so important. Discover how FaceFormer therapy can specifically treat CCDS and help you improve your quality of life.