Counteract swallowing disorders with FaceFormer®?
Quite a stupid question but… I have the feeling that swallowing doesn’t work properly. My question now: Do you notice it when you swallow (so yes, clearly coughing etc.) or can I also not notice it when I swallow?
Basically, swallowing always works, we need it for nutrition. Nevertheless, there are deviations in the swallowing process that need to be adjusted. They cause symptoms of illness: the act of swallowing is successful, but the movements in the mouth and throat deviate from normal and are carried out compensatorily (with the wrong pattern). Swallowing without noticing it is also possible. This is called “silent aspiration”.
This means that no cough reflex occurs during swallowing. What does not enter the oesophagus during swallowing but accidentally enters the windpipe remains in the respiratory tract. This is a problem that should not be underestimated because it can cause pneumonia. If you really feel such disturbances, do the FaceFormer therapy consistently. There is the free training app for this and numerous contributions in our video podcast.