Book: FaceFormer® Training Therapy – Manual on the methodology
FaceFormer® therapy offers a neuroscience-based way of correcting dysfunctions in breathing, swallowing and head balance. This book explains how targeted exercises help to permanently alleviate complaints and improve quality of life. Ideal for professionals and anyone who wants to improve their health from the ground up.
Trockene Nase. Weiter schädigen durch Sprays? Operation? Nein! Hier die beste Lösung mit Dauereffekt
Trockene Nase? Finden Sie heraus, wie Sie dieses lästige Problem ohne risikoreiche Operationen oder schädliche Nasensprays lösen können. Dr. Berndsen erklärt die eigentlichen Ursachen und zeigt Ihnen einen natürlichen Weg zur Linderung. Erfahren Sie, wie die FaceFormer Übungstherapie Ihre Nasenschleimhaut aktiviert und die Atmung verbessert.
Nasenatmung – Voraussetzung zum gesund sein und gesund bleiben. Du musst sie trainieren!
Eine gesunde Atmung beginnt mit der Nase! Nasenatmung filtert, befeuchtet und erwärmt die Atemluft, was deine Gesundheit langfristig unterstützt. Erfahren Sie, warum das Trainieren der Nasenatmung so wichtig ist und wie es Atemqualität und Wohlbefinden nachhaltig verbessert. Mundatmung hingegen kann gesundheitliche Risiken bergen. Erfahren Sie, wie diese zu vermeiden sind.
How does FaceFormer® therapy work?
As a cause-orientated treatment method, FaceFormer therapy directly targets the root of health impairments. The exercise therapy focusses on essential bodily functions such as breathing and swallowing and sustainably treats a variety of disorders including the associated symptoms.
Improve running performance with FaceFormer method
A pilot study shows: FaceFormer therapy can improve running performance. Test subjects who used the device regularly increased their endurance by an average of 24%. The study underlines the potential of the method for optimizing breathing and performance in sport. Find out more about the promising results.
FaceFormer® therapy is effective against snoring and sleep apnea
Hope for snorers and sleep apnea patients: A comprehensive study on FaceFormer therapy reveals significant improvements in participants. Read how this innovative treatment positively influences breathing, sleep quality and daytime sleepiness and what lasting benefits it offers.
Amazing effect on breathing
“My breathing has completely changed” - Read the impressive testimonial from a FaceFormer user. For a long time, snoring and sleep apnoea affected the patient's breathing during sleep to an alarming extent. Find out how regular FaceFormer training helped. A story that gives hope.
FaceFormer method against ear noise
Read the testimonial of a user who successfully treated her ringing in the ears with the FaceFormer method. Find out first-hand from a sufferer how regular exercises improve tinnitus and other complaints.
Nasal breathing prevents from dangerous pathogens
Nasal breathing: your natural shield against illness. Learn how your nose filters, warms and moisturizes the air you breathe to ward off pathogens. Learn why mouth breathing increases your risk of infection and how FaceFormer therapy improves your nasal breathing to strengthen your defenses.
Mouth breathing is harmful to health
Did you know that mouth breathing can lead to misaligned jaws, tooth decay and even facial deformities? Find out why the nose is the natural airway and the benefits of nasal breathing. Discover how you can improve your breathing and thus promote your health. Learn how FaceFormer therapy can help you develop healthy breathing.