Swallowing – more than just a reflex – mechanics and meaning of an ordinary movement
More than 50 finely coordinated muscles ensure that we can swallow - a marvel of body mechanics! But what if this harmony is disturbed? Learn more about the health effects and discover how to fix them.
The power of the vagus nerve – activating the body’s own self-healing powers
The vagus nerve plays a central role in our health and self-healing. Learn how FaceFormer therapy stimulates the vagus nerve to reduce stress, improve breathing and provide numerous health benefits. Discover how you can activate your body's own self-healing powers.
Histamine intolerance and food allergies – Understanding causes, symptoms and solutions
Histamine intolerance is a disorder of histamine metabolism caused by an intolerance to histamine. Histamine is a substance produced naturally in the body in mast cells and other cells of our immune system as well as in the brain. It plays an important role in the immune system, as a neurotransmitter and in inflammatory processes.
Tipps Grippe, Erkältung & Co. – Atemwegserkrankungen vermeiden und schneller los werden
Vorbeugung ist der Schlüssel, um Erkältungen und Atemwegserkrankungen zu vermeiden. Dieser Artikel bietet nützliche Tipps, wie Sie durch Nasenatmung und einfache Hausmittel schneller gesund werden. Erfahren Sie, wie das regelmäßige Training mit dem FaceFormer® Ihre Atemwege stärkt und Sie auch in der Erkältungszeit fit hält.