Bimax surgery or holistic therapy – The right choice for your jaw health
A brilliant smile and a harmonious facial shape are important concerns for many people. However, the natural development of the jaw is not always optimal and malformations and deformities of the jaw can lead to impairments. Maxillofacial surgery and orthodontic procedures are highly advertised and paid for today, but are they always necessary? What are the risks of such procedures? And isn't there a holistic therapy that can support or avoid surgery? In this article, we take a look at the synergies that result from combining FaceFormer training therapy and orthodontic treatment.

Weaning off the dummy – Preventing permanent damage to health
It would be best if children were never introduced to a soother. If at all, the dummy should only be enjoyed for short minute intervals. Continuous sucking on the pacifier is dangerous! Always remember this when you give your child the dummy! But why is that?

What is the correct tongue rest position?
A prerequisite for correct, biological tongue tension and tongue movement is coordinated inner and outer tongue musculature. It goes hand in hand with complicated, precise movement patterns such as chewing, swallowing and speaking. Incorrect tensions can only be corrected through exercise therapies that take such patterns into account. To do this, exercises must not stray too far from the specific range of motion of the patterns. With the FaceFormer training, this is taken into account for the first time.

Nackenschmerzen und Rückenweh – Was hat die Zunge damit zu tun?
Sie leiden unter Nacken- oder Rückenschmerzen? Oft liegt die Ursache nicht in der Wirbelsäule oder den Beinen, sondern in der Kopf- und Zungenhaltung. Erfahren Sie, wie eine falsche Zungenposition oder Kopfbalance Ihre Körperstatik beeinflussten und wie ein gezieltes Training hilft, die Haltung zu verbessern und Schmerzen zu beseitigen.

FaceFormer® Therapy – Efficient treatment of orofacial dysfunctions
Discover the effectiveness of FaceFormer therapy in the treatment of orofacial dysfunctions. A scientific study shows significant improvements in lip strength, mouth posture and tongue positioning. Find out more about the results and benefits of this innovative therapy.

An efficient method to harmonize orofacial dysfunctions
A scientific study has proven the effectiveness of FaceFormer therapy in harmonizing the orofacial muscles. Compared to non-apparative myofunctional therapy, it shows significantly better results in establishing nasal breathing and a physiological swallowing pattern. Find out more about this breakthrough in the treatment of orofacial dysfunctions.

CPAP ventilation – Real help or eternal crutch therapy?
Sleep apnoea can have a significant impact on quality of life. While CPAP therapy is often considered the standard treatment, FaceFormer therapy offers an innovative alternative. Learn how this method trains the muscles in the mouth and throat and enables long-term improvements in breathing.

Give up the soother? Absolutely! But why?
Why is it so important to give up the pacifier in good time? Our article explains the effects on your child's oral motor skills and speech development. Discover how using a pacifier for too long can lead to misaligned teeth and jaw deformities and how FaceFormer therapy can help to correct them.