Ear pressure and pressure equalisation problems – How do the symptoms develop and what can you do?
Everyone knows this feeling, whether on a plane, on the mountain or while diving: An unpleasant feeling of pressure in the ear. Correct pressure balance in the ear is of great importance for our health. If the pressure in the middle ear is not properly balanced, various problems can occur, such as an unpleasant pain, ringing in the ears, hearing loss or even deafness. For this reason, it is important to understand how pressure is created in the ear and what can be done to reduce it.
Klaffende Tuben, Tinnitus – Wenn die Ohrventilation falsch läuft und wie man sie korrigiert
In diesem Video widmen wir uns dem Ohr im Bezug auf die Eustachi-Röhre. Wie bewirkt korrektes Schlucken die Ventilation die Mittelohrs?
FaceFormer® Therapy for Tinnitus – How does it work?
The causes of tinnitus are usually attributed to stress or circulatory disorders and a lack of oxygen supply in the inner ear. Although stress exacerbates a condition, it is never the cause.
Why does FaceFormer® Therapy work against vertigo?
Discover how FaceFormer therapy can help with dizziness and Meniere's disease. Find out how the targeted activation of muscles and nerves in the head and neck area reduces tension and improves the function of the inner ear. Read how you can easily integrate this side-effect-free therapy method into your everyday life and achieve a noticeable improvement in your symptoms.