How long does it take to positively change a high palate?
How long does it take to positively change a highly pronounced palate with FaceFormer therapy?
It is important to know that orthodontic treatment lasts on average around 4.5 years. After treatment is completed, retainers are often used to stabilize the results. Unfortunately, these measures do not solve the underlying problem, as the causes that led to the misalignment remain. Relapses or new problems are therefore not uncommon.
A palatal expansion (GNE) in adults is an invasive procedure that exerts mechanical pressure on the high-arched palate. As the palatal suture is already ossified in adulthood, this procedure is often combined with surgical support. This entails considerable risks, such as pain, asymmetrical expansion, strain on the nasal and jaw structures and long-term instability. The healing process can take up to a year, and relapses are still possible without functional therapy.
Even more invasive are surgical corrections, in which the palate is directly adjusted through surgical procedures. Such procedures involve high risks such as infections, irreversible damage and more difficult healing. In addition, the underlying malfunction remains untreated here too, which results in renewed malformations and ongoing stress in the long term.
The formation of a high palate usually occurs in childhood, often due to malfunctions such as mouth breathing, incorrect swallowing movements with altered tongue position or inadequate mouth closure. These habits influence the natural shape of the palate. Orthodontic treatments are often unable to correct these structural changes in the long term, as they do not address the causes of the malformation. FaceFormer therapy addresses the causes by correcting vital basic functions. The method aims to eliminate the underlying malfunctions and support the body in a natural way to positively change the shape of the palate in the long term.
To make progress visible, I recommend taking a photo of the face and palate area at the beginning and repeating this every six weeks. This allows you to document the changes precisely and enjoy the successes.
The therapy and the time required are not onerous compared to other procedures. The exercises only require a few minutes a day and the nightly application is completely effortless. At the same time, it is fun to watch the progress you make on your own initiative. As with all training – whether in sport or in other areas of life – regular practice is necessary to achieve goals. FaceFormer therapy offers the opportunity to actively make a difference without invasive interventions or painful procedures.
The duration of the restructuring depends on various factors, such as age, metabolism and the degree of deformity. The first small but visible changes can be seen within 3 to 12 months. Complete adaptation can take 2 years or longer. The therapy is not completed until the desired goals have been achieved. However, the great advantage is that there are no risks or relapse rates during this time. Any change that is achieved is sustainable because the causes of the deformity are eliminated.
FaceFormer therapy is a natural, sustainable approach and can easily be maintained while having fun, because progress achieved through your own efforts motivates you to continue. It is not only a non-stressful neuroscience-based approach, but also an investment in long-term health.
A high palate - what is it?
Allgemein wird ein zu hoch ausgebildeter Gaumen auch als gotischer Gaumen, Spitzgaumen oder Keilgaumen bezeichnet. Damit einher gehen oft funktionelle Beeinträchtigungen bei der Nahrungsaufnahme, Schluckbeschwerden, Sprachstörungen, Atemstörungen und Zahnfehlstellungen.
Häufig wird die Fehlbildung mit einer Reihe von Syndromen in Verbindung gebracht und auf genetische Ursachen reduziert. Wir vertreten dagegen die Auffassung, dass die Vererbung als Ursache von Spitzgaumen überschätzt wird und nichtgenetische bzw. epigenetische Faktoren eine bedeutende Rolle spielen. Dazu zählen Dysfunktionen wie z.B. Fehlbewegungen beim Schlucken, fehlender Unterdruck im Mund- und Rachenraum, Fehbewegungen der Zunge, fehlender Mundschluss und Mund- statt Nasenatmung.
Der hohe Gaumen bildet sich in der Wachstumsphase aus, wenn Einflüsse von außen die biologisch korrekten Funktionsabläufe stören.