FACEFORMER FAQ - Antworten auf häufige Fragen
Can FaceFormer® training be done with braces and fixed brackets?
I /f. 41 years old have been suffering from sleep apnea for a long time and have been fitted with a device that still does not give me a satisfactory night’s sleep, as I snore even with the device. In the meantime, I have undergone a surgical palatal expansion, during which my nasal septum was also straightened, as my nasal breathing was very poor and I have an open bite due to sucking my thumb as a child.
I now have a fixed brace with brackets and am wondering whether it is also possible to do the FaceFormer training with this fixed brace and thus perhaps finally get my snoring under control, which has improved somewhat but is still present. I would be very grateful for a quick reply, as I really never get a good night’s sleep.
We consider palatal expansion in adults to be problematic and unnecessary. It also usually results in costly dental treatment, which often causes new problems. In addition, correcting the nasal septum will not bring many benefits either. Both are drastic interventions that do little to help the actual problem. We generally advise against surgery and only consider it in exceptional cases, as the natural conditions are often damaged in the process.
Nevertheless, we still recommend FaceFormer therapy, which is probably more effective without these interventions. FaceFormer therapy treats the causes. The training causes the sagging tissue in the mouth and throat to tighten naturally. We therefore hope that the tissue, mucous membranes and cilia in the turbinates have not been damaged too much. Please follow the exercise instructions with the FaceFormer consistently.