FACEFORMER FAQ - Antworten auf häufige Fragen
FaceFormer® therapy for crossbite and headbite?
I have had problems with my jaw for 3 years now. I used to have braces because of a cross/head bite. Unfortunately, this did not help because the lower jaw has grown again and I am now facing the same problem as when I was 16 years old. The only problems I have now are pain on a front incisor, as I am constantly biting/grinding on it at night. I have now been to many dentists and orthodontists. Unfortunately, no one agrees on what helps in my case. Some want surgery, others want to reinsert a fixed brace. I wanted to ask you now, since I already have a Faceformer at home, whether this also helps in my case.
In both cases, malfunctions have caused the dislocations. The most important role is played by the tongue function, which influences muscle chains (masticatory muscles, pharyngeal muscles, reflexes, etc.). Deviations mean that muscle chain functions and reflexes are disturbed. Braces do not bring lasting success in this context, as you have already noticed yourself. Operations have a high risk, are costly, painful and equally unsuccessful. They can temporarily change the shape, but it changes again because the causes that shifted everything cannot be “cut away”.
With the cross bite, I’m sure we can get that corrected with FaceFormer therapy, I’d have to look at the head bite situation or I don’t know how far we’ll get. You should start FaceFormer therapy right away. The longer the dysfunctions exist, the more they become pronounced. Every day plays a role in this. Start with 8 repetitions of the basic exercise 3 times a day. Every day you add an exercise until 20x is reached. From now on, you also use the FaceFormer at night and add the pulling exercises to the basic exercise. For these, you pull the lip wedge down diagonally (instead of straight ahead). Start neither with 3x daily 8x (complementary to the basic exercise and increase to 20x. After that the training is complete and you consistently do 20 basic exercises and 20 pulling exercises 3 times a day. In addition the nightly application.
Document the course of therapy from the beginning: You take pictures of your face from the front and from both sides. In addition, you take a photo from the front and from the side with spread lips and gritted teeth. You repeat this same series of photos with the same perspectives every 4 weeks. This way we can compare what the training has done. Apart from the exercise program you do nothing else against the problems. Watch the exercises on our YouTube channel and use the free FaceFormer training app. If you have any questions, get back to us right away. If possible, introduce yourself to us in practice. So start right away, it’s fun to see success come slowly but steadily. Have fun and success.